Professional Vocalist / 專業婚禮樂團
Brandon | Brandon
•他於the Second City Training Center in Toronto, Canada畢業,也是此中心的表演者,然後表演過各種不同形式的演出在Second City and the Tim Simms Theatre.
•他至今也在台灣音樂節演出多次,例如:春吶,和平音樂節,加拿大國慶日…等. 他對表演的愛和激情,在各種曲風的音樂上,幫助他成為亞洲最受追捧的歌手之一
Brandon Thompson originally comes from Woodstock, Ontario, Canada. He has been singing and or performing since he was a junior in high school. Brandon has the unique ability to connect with an audience in 3 different languages with an energy that must be seen to be believed. He is also a natural frontman/showman who allows the audience to feel engaged and apart of each show. He engages every audience he is in front of with one goal in mind; entertainment. He also has over 18 years of experience hosting many different live comedy and banquet shows. He is a graduate and former performer of the Second City Training Center in Toronto, Canada and has performed in many different shows in and around Second City and the Tim Simms Theatre. He has performed at festivals across the island such as Spring Scream, Peacefest and Canada Day. His infectious love of performance and passion for many different kinds of music has helped make him one of the most sought after singers in Asia.