Professional Vocalist / 專業婚禮樂團
Dooley 杜力
Dooley | Dooley 杜力
杜 力
Professional Vocalist 專業樂團主唱。
Pub Singer 駐唱歌手。
來自美國 Arizona, 是婚禮樂團的主唱。
- Line節目 老外調查團:探索台灣傳統文化
- 菜鳥天兵神救援:幫助各行各業解決疑難雜症
- 原主民電視台 Lima幫幫忙:原住民台有史以來第一位美國黑人主持,探討元族民以及少數族群,台灣多元種族議題,打破刻板印象、歧視、偏見。
- 無敵A噪咖:綜藝美食節目,挖掘台灣各地美食。
- 2007 Money Shot Horns 樂團 EP
- 2008 周杰倫 MV
- 2007 & 2008 台中市消遙音樂季
- 2007-2010 墾丁春天吶喊
- 2010 金曲超級星PK & 超級偶像受邀嘉賓
- 2010 鑽石夜總會(利菁)
- 2011 高雄義大世界專屬樂團
- 2011 烏托邦UTOPIA音樂餐廳
- 2011 張惠妹-你和我的時光MV
- 2010-2012 義大世界 (Soul City 樂團)
- 2012-2014 英皇娛樂酒店 The Windsor (Modern City Band)
- 2014 至今,婚禮樂團歌手,台灣各大綜藝電視節目
Matthew Candler also known as “Dooley” has performed with musicians from all over the world. Originally from Phoenix, Arizona but currently residing in Taipei found his roots in the church singing gospel music and builds upon that foundation to bring energy and excitement to those who attend his performances. Performing in both English and Chinese, he has been entertaining with various styles of music, comedy, and acting. Energetic, humorous, engaging, and edgy are all words used to describe his talent which has built up a large fan base. Having performed for both live audiences and TV alike he is a showman that really brings something new to the stage.